Sunday, March 7, 2010

Long Time No Post - Let's Back up 1/10/2010

So the long break in posting I must admit is due to us running over Peaches. Peaches died on January 10 2010. I had just finished a 3 hour session of grooming her. We deiceded to go for pizza suddenly - so we all jumped into the car. She followed us down the street only a short way and she cut un between the wheels and we felt a bump. I will omit most of it in hopes to forget it...But she was killed instantly. She looked as if she was laying down to sleep. It was quite horrific none the less. We drove over to Grandmas to recover a bit and then decided to continue to pizza. Travis buried her when we were at Grandma's house. Travis and I took it the hardest. I had her for 10 years. Grandpa said,"She died with her boots on," because she died chasing us as always....Well...she is missed very much...Poor Ram...


  1. Jess;
    I just read about Peaches. Zeb and I could not believe it. We both feel like crying. We remember her when you all came to Boston to see us. We have lot's of memories of Good Peach. Whenever we go on a walk we always tell the kids "you wanna go on a walka walka!" We will always remember that sweet dog.

  2. Sorry to hear about peaches! I also did not know you had a blog...I'm going to link it to mine, okay! Miss you guys! We are planning on coming to Elko in August for a little visit!
