Friday, November 27, 2009

10/30/2009 Strong Halloween Opinions

Mary was a Witch, Jane was a Ladybug and Gina was a .......Panda? I think that's what is was. We got it at the second-hand store - and it is so her !

Leia clownin' around...

I'm going to show this picture to Jane's boyfriend on her first date...

Busy time getting ready

Me and Jane are both ladybugs

Roar! My little super cute.... What a little mini peanut!

On our way to Trick-or-Treat-Street

We stopped in Elko and did some REAL door-to-door trick-or-treating. OK. So in Spring Creek we do not have any sidewalks. This makes trick-or-treating almost impossible. The houses are too far away from each other - it would be ridiculous. So we have the Convention Center Trick or Treat Street - 'assembly line' trick-or-treating. Basically a large room with faux doors to stick your arm into and someone drops candy into your bucket. Then of course there is the Church Organizations Trunk or Treat - which is almost the same thing. Everyone backs their cars into the church parking lot and hands out candy from the trunk of their car. The kids circle around till no more candy is left.

Does anyone see anything wrong with these methods of procuring candy?

The kids out here (meaning out west, since I am biased and ignorantly eastern..) are on the dole for Halloween! Geez! Not to sound like an old grandpa, but when I was a kid we worked for our candy! Up and down the streets. Up to every door. Honing your childhood instincts on who was home and who was not. Lights on? Decorations? Car in driveway? Many a trip up to an uninhabited home nonetheless. Crossing streets to where those kids are, remembering who gave out WHOLE candy bars last year, trying to look younger and smaller than your 14 year old body actually is... It was serious work for us serious trick or treaters.

Now its Halloween-Welfare. The Dole. Most have never been door to door. My kids included! Well no more I say!.... I'm gonna teach my kids the value of a Snickers Bar. And how to overcome the pitfalls of loose gumdrops, pennies and gingersnaps in their bags. I want my kids to succeed and procure much candy, yes, - but by the sweat of their brow. A full pillowcase is only truly appreciated when accompanied with sore feet.

Just look at the shining faces of my children as they received their first hard-earned piece of candy.

Leia chillin at Trunk-or-Treat.

The Sweet Bounty....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

10/27/2009 It Snowed Last Night!

I used to have a Golden Book titled "It Snowed Last Night!"....I can still hear my mom reading it to me. On the last page of the book...the little kids awoke and looked out their bedroom window and exclaimed,"It snowed last night!" Cause of course that is the highlight of your year when you were a kid - to wake up to an unexpected snow. : )

This clear beautiful day was two days before on Sunday. The hot-air balloon is on the horizon. What a difference a couple of days make out here!

10/23/2009 Poor Leia !

Poor Leia! I let her go too long without her nap...and she conked out right on the floor where she was playing. Bad Mommy...

Poor Leia!!! She woke up crying this evening and this is how Travis found her! Covered in her yucky vomit! And still going! Word to the wise: If an avocado looks questionable - do not feed it to your baby. : (


I forgot this picture in the Lamoille Grove post...What a beauty!

10/23/2009 Luke's Lamoille Grove Preschool Trip

I think these pictures speak for themselves...We had a great morning. I have the best kids in the whole world!

Luke and his buddy were laughing and having a good time. Luke was showing off his 'lion's growl'. They were growling back and forth to each other...